Anne Cong-Huyen

I’m interested in the “vast narrative,” the “transmedia story,” or how different texts in various media can contribute to a larger cohesive narrative, and how these narratives can have particular relevance for activism or education (possibly for issues of labor and migration). These different media can include literature, film, television, graphic novels/comic books, digital sites, social media, etc.

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2 Responses to Anne Cong-Huyen

  1. edwardoneill says:

    This sounds like a very interesting and productive framework.

    Are there particular issues or sites of activism that interest you?

    Of course, experimental film was an important site of struggle for feminists in the ’60’s and ’70’s, and there is an accepted way of thinking about the relationship between the prose arguments and the visual texts. But it could be an issue that’s ripe for re-framing.

  2. Anne Cong-Huyen says:

    I’ve been interested in dialogues surrounding migrant labor in California and the Middle East, and this seems like a helpful framework to look at some of the rather disparate conversations that are occurring in different circles. I’d love to get some conversation going, since I’m such a newbie.

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