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Judi Franz
I’m interested particularly in the use of technology for teaching and learning language and culture, but also in educational technology in more general terms. I have been trying to put together a curriculum for a certificate program on Technology in … Continue reading
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sophie and students
I’m in the early stages of a massive research project about Katherine Dunham, an african american dancer and anthropologist, and the aim is eventually to create a rich-media resource about her work. In an ideal world, I’ll be able to … Continue reading
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Doug Dechow
My proposal for THATCamp centered on the role of libraries and librarians in supporting Humanities research and teaching via Virtual Worlds. Actually, I’m interested in Virtual Worlds in the broadest sense. I’d also be interested in discussing digital mapping/GIS and … Continue reading
Joshua McVeigh-Schultz
I’d like to talk about a project called Synaptic Crowd that enables online participants to conduct remote interviews by nominating and voting on questions. The project can also be deployed in the reverse — so that the collectivity nominates and … Continue reading
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Holly Willis
I’d like to talk about a free, open source software application called Sophie, which is designed to support media-rich authoring. I’d like to do this in the context of a broader discussion/viewing of online texts that consider design, kinetic typography, … Continue reading
Jana Remy
I’m interested in discussing Social Media, particularly as a means of facilitating scholarly collaboration and conversation. I would also like to talk about mapping tools. Note to the Blog Admin: Can you change the settings so comments don’t go into … Continue reading
Daniel Chamberlain
I am interested in talking a number of topics. One subject that would be valuable and timely for me would be to talk about open-access publishing, as I am involved in both a publishing platform at Occidental, <a href=”scholar.oxy.edu”>OxyScholar</a>, and … Continue reading
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Edward R. O’Neill
My focus is more on pedagogy and learning design than on computing as a “pure” research tool. So my key interests are as follows. ‘Extended’ notions of literacy (beyond prose writing): so multimedia literacy/production, ‘numeracy,’ programming even. Online course design, … Continue reading
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Nick Velkavrh
Using mashups of GIS along with other forms of scholarly production to examine historical change in the Southwest.
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Still accepting applications
We have a few spaces left, and it seems like THATCamp SoCal might be a decent venue to pick up some of the conversations from the DML conference, so please feel free to apply by sending a brief note (describing who you are and what you would like to discuss) to thatcampsocal@gmail.com Continue reading
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