
What should I propose?

That’s up to you. Sessions at THATCamp can range from software demos to training sessions to discussions of research findings to half-baked rants (but please no full-blown papers; we’re not here to read or be read to). You should come to THATCamp with something in mind, and spend the first session of the morning finding a time, a place, and people to share it with. Once you’re at THATCamp, you may also find people with similar topics and interests to team up with for a joint session.  You might want to check out the original THATcamp blog or some of the regional camps to get an idea of the scope of topics, but don’t feel limited by those examples.  If it falls under the topic of the humanities and technology, and impacts you, your organization, or the field of digital humanities (broadly defined) then it’s fair game.

How do I sign up?

Please click on the register link on this page, join this site, and follow the verification instructions. Once verified, add a “new post” with a description of what you would like to present.

If you have any difficulty, please send an email to with an expression of your interest and possible topic.

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