
What is THATcamp?

THATCamp (The Humanities And Technology Camp)  is a user-generated “unconference” on digital humanities inspired by the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University.

At THATcamp 2009, CHNM floated the idea of holding regional camps around the country, an idea that quickly took hold, leading to events in Austin, Texas (THATcamp Austin), Washington state (THATcamp Pacific Northwest), and Ohio (THATcamp Columbus), as well as planned events in Michigan (THATcamp Great Lakes) coming up soon.

THATcamp SoCal will be held on March 13 at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

What is an “unconference”?

According to Wikipedia, an unconference is “a conference where the content of the sessions is created and managed by the participants, generally day-by-day during the course of the event, rather than by one or more organizers in advance of the event.” An unconference is not a spectator event. Participants in an unconference are expected to present their work, share their knowledge, and actively collaborate with fellow participants rather than simply attend.

Who should attend?

Anyone with energy and an interest in digital humanities.  That includes academics, librarians, archivists, cultural activists, curators, students, educators, and professionals in all fields where technology and the humanities collide.

What should I propose?

That’s up to you. Sessions at THATCamp can range from software demos to training sessions to discussions of research findings to half-baked rants (but please no full-blown papers; we’re not here to read or be read to). You should come to THATCamp with something in mind, and during the first session of the day find a time, a place, and people to share it with. Once you’re at THATCamp, you may also find people with similar topics and interests to team up with for a joint session.  You might want to check out the original THATcamp blog or some of the regional camps to get an idea of the scope of topics, but don’t feel limited by those examples.  If it falls under the topic of the humanities and technology, and impacts you, your organization, or the field of digital humanities (broadly defined) then it’s fair game.

Where and when will THATCamp be held?

The event will be held on Saturday, March 13th, 2010 at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California.  Click here for directions.

Where’s the schedule? When is THATCamp?

We’ll collaboratively create the entire schedule during the first session of the morning, but the important parts go as follows:  The day will begin with registration from 9:30-10am (breakfast included), and we’ll begin promptly at 10am. The Day will end at 6:30pm with a group discussion and wrap-up.

How do I sign up?

We have space for 40-50 participants.

Please send an email to with an expression of your interest and possible topic.

How much?

THATCamp SoCal is free to all attendees, but a $25 donation towards materials, snacks, beverages, and supplies will be much appreciated by the organizers.

How do I sponsor THATCamp?

A limited number of sponsorships are available to corporations and non-profits.  Shoot us an email at .

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